Our saving calculator helps you better understand how Yotta Pay will benefit your business, compared to traditional services. Calculator takes your annual card payment turnover as a base value, estimating fees that you will pay with different services. The data used in calculations is collected from publicly advertised information of January 2022.
The formula for calculations is as follows:
Yotta Pay
- if turnover is less or equal to £30000, then "Pay as you go" subscription is calculated (if your business has turnover that is less or equal to £30000, we recommend using "Pay as you go" which will be the cheapest and most suitable option). Outcome thus will be: turnover amount * 0,0049 (payment processing fee 0.49%, no monthly fee);
- if turnover is more than £30000, and is less or equal to £180000, then "Business Monthly" subscription is calculated. Outcome thus will be: turnover amount * 0,0029 + £59,88 (payment processing fee 0,29%; £4,99 * 12 monthly fee);
- if turnover is more than £180000, then "Corporate" subscription is calculated. Outcome thus will be: turnover amount * 0,0019 + £239,88 (payment processing fee 0,19%; £19,99 * 12 monthly fee).
- turnover amount * 0,0235 (payment processing fee 2,35%; additional 0,25p for each transaction is not included).
- turnover amount * 0,0186 (payment processing fee 1,86%).
- turnover amount * 0,0175 (payment processing fee 1,75%).
- turnover amount * 0,0175 (payment processing fee 1,75%).
- turnover amount * 0,0169 (payment processing fee 1,69%).
If payment processing provider that you are currently using is not included into our calculator, you can simply switch to other mode by clicking "Enter custom rate" where you can enter the fee yourself. Estimation formulas for Yotta Pay fees stays same.
Please note that the results shown by calculator are rough estimations, and do not guarantee 100% accuracy.